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搜索條件:作者(Riordan, Rick),共找到19條結果
The Trials of Apollo 2 : the dark prophecy
副標題 :
作者 : Riordan, Rick
分類 : Fiction
索書號 : F
關鍵字 :
The Trials of Apollo 1 : the hidden oracle
分類 : English Language
Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor
Percy Jackson and the last Olympian
The blood of Olympus
The son of Neptune
The throne of fire
混血營英雄4 : 冥王之府
作者 : Riordan, Rick,王心瑩
索書號 : 889
波西傑克森 : 塞瑞比斯權杖
作者 : Riordan, Rick,荷米斯
Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse
Percy Jackson and the battle of the labyrinth
Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters
The serpent's shadow
The lost hero
The house of hades
The mark of Athena
The Son of Neptune
The Last Olympian